The Good And Bad Of Face Serum on Skin

The Good And Bad Of Face Serum on Skin

Hello and welcome to another interesting skincare information on Skincare Joint. Today we will be checking out The Good and Bad Of Face Serum on Skin. If you find this article interesting, please do not forget to share, like, and follow me for more skincare information.

What is Serum?

Before we dive into the good and bad of face serum, first let’s understand what face serum is. 

Face serums are lightweight moisturizers that penetrate deeper into your skin to deliver active ingredients. Unlike lotion, serums are lighter in weight making it easy for them to penetrate into your skin. 


Before we continue, please note that serums are not moisturizers and do not do the work of a lotion. The major advantage of serum over lotion is that it is richer in highly concentrated ingredients and can penetrate the skin because of its lightweight.  So if you are looking for a moisturizer, I will advise you to go for a lotion instead of a serum. It is important to read the producer’s manual to know the exact function of the serum as functions of serum may vary. 

Advantages of Serum

  1. Clears and Prevents Blemishes

Most serums have ingredients like zink, tea extract, and aloe vera in high concentration which prevents bacteria and reduces skin inflammation. 

  1. Repairs Sun Damage and wrinkles

Serums contain vitamin A that can restore your skin to its original and youthful look. 

  1. Reduces Redness and Sensitivity

Serums have natural ingredients like Aloe Vera that can cause skin irritation and redness.  


  1. Hydrates the Skin

Serums allow moisture to penetrate the skin hence preventing skin dryness. 

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  1. Exfoliates the Skin 

Serums help to remove dry and dead skin cells that cover the pores and cause skin blemishes.  

  1. Fades Brown Spots and discoloration 

This is made possible by the vitamin C present in serums. Vitamin c is very effective in suppressing melanin activities.


  1. It can cause Skin Irritation

For people with skin diseases like eczema, a serum can cause skin irritation, due to the weakness of their skin as a result of eczema. It is advisable to treat any skin diseases you may have before using a serum to enhance your skin. 

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  1. Serums may Work wrongly or Damage Skin

Using a serum that has been exposed to the sun or the air can damage your skin or work in the wrong way. This is because when serums are exposed to the sun or air, it loses its potency. Always ensure that your serum containers are airtight and are kept away from the sun. 

How to Use Serum Effectively 

To use a serum, clean body parts properly and leave to damp for a while before applying a serum. This is because damp skin is more permeable than dry skin allowing the ingredient in the serum to penetrate into your skin to give you a great result. 

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when using a serum, do not overdo it. Because using too much of the product does not guarantee that it will produce a better result. 

if you have any questions or comments about today’s topic please drop them in the comment section below. I will see you in the next post with more skincare information. Have a great day.