10 Skincare Secrets Only A Few Women Know

For ages, the skin has been a very important part of every woman’s life. Today I will be sharing with you 10 secrets to help you maintain good and perfect skin. If you find this article interesting, please do not forget to share, like, and follow us on YouTube for more skincare information. 

Secret #1: Reduce Your Sugar Intake.

The more sugar you take the more your skin is going to suffer. The skin is the largest organ in the body and it needs a constant flow of blood for optimum delivery of oxygen and nutrients, this process is made difficult by excess sugar in the body because sugar acts as an excess shield to cholesterol flakes making it difficult for our immune to brake down cholesterol which eventually leads to bad skin. 

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Secret #2: Have a Good Night Sleep.  

Studies have shown that the skin repairs itself at night. So the more sleep you get at night the more your skin rejuvenates. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, it causes your cortisol level to increase which also increases the rate of collagen breakdown, causing under-eye bags to appear on your eyes. 

Secret #3: Eat Healthy Food

Eating healthy food is a good way of maintaining good healthy skin. In addition to good food, nutrients such as copper found in nuts and seeds and lysins found in legumes and meat are sure ways to combat acne. Other good healthy eating habits include drinking lots of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. 

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Secret #4: Always Wash off Your Makeup.

Many women do not know the importance of washing off their makeup before going to bed, aside from the fact that it allows your facial skin to rejuvenate, it also prevents inflammation to your skin. 

Secret #5: Always Exfoliate.

Exfoliating your skin regularly ensures that dead and dry skin cells are removed from your skin. This allows skincare products to penetrate your skin for a better complexion. 

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Secret #6: Always Get Your Free Dose of Vitamin D.

Getting your daily dose of UV rays in small quantities is not bad. However, ensure not to expose yourself too much to the sun as this may cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. 

Secret #7: Apply Moisturizers Immediately After Bathing. 

Never wait for too long before applying hydrating agents like skin moisturizers after bathing. This is because if the water on your body dries completely, most moisturizers or creams you apply will remain on the surface of your skin instead of sinking into the skin to nourish it. Not applying moisturizers to the skin immediately after bathing also causes itching in some people. 

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Secret #8: Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps the body to transfer heat into the air,  which gives the skin a glowy flush. It is more effective when done in the morning.

Secret #9: Always Double Cleans Your Facial Skin.

It is best to always clean your face first with an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and impurities. Then clean again with soap and water to clean out the pores. 

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Secret #10: Change Your Pillowcase Regularly.

Daily or weekly changing of your pillowcase will benefit your skin a lot. This is because when you sleep, your pillowcase collects skin and hair oil that letter causes your pores to block resulting in skin blemishes. An easy way is to have a separate pillowcase that you can put on before going to bed. 


These are the 10 secrets to maintaining good and perfect skin. I would love to hear from you, tell me which of the secrets is your favorite. if you have any questions or comments about today’s topic please drop them in the comment section below. I will see you in the next post with more skincare information. Have a great day. 

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